
Rename master download
Rename master download

rename master download

Missing basics like simple button to select/deselect all - requires several keystrokes. Rule-based actions powerful but tedious for common tasks. Like others, doesn't equal LupasRename's balance of power, clarity, and stability. Good idea that needs work, better GUI, more stability.

rename master download

A powerful, yet easy to use renaming utility! Copyright Additional features include optional Explorer integration, uppercase/lowercase conversion, file filters and more.

rename master download

Renaming operations can be saved as scripts, so they can easily be reused at a later time. Advanced renaming features include adding, removing from the original file name, replacing characters (name or extension) and support for several meta variables, that allow you to perform renaming based on the files size, date and several other criteria. You can even preview the to-be-renamed file names before you finalize it and apply any changes. The program provides an easy to use interface that allows you to perform simple and advanced rename operations, very easily. Anyone that has worked with websites, file archives, or collections of music, videos, or pictures has probably spent way too much time renaming hundreds of files. Rename Master is a utility for renaming large groups of files with a few clicks.

Rename master download